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Research Interests and Methodology

I conduct research on employee stress and well-being, focusing specifically on the impact of remote and hybrid work arrangements and leadership. In a broader sense, my goal is to understand how employees and leaders can thrive in their work and personal lives. Most of my projects revolve around exploring how individuals utilize their internal and external resources and how they can optimize these processes for better outcomes. Within this scope, I investigate the influence of personality, demographics, mindset, and habits. My research spans various sectors, including for-profit, non-profit, military, and government, and I explore specific contexts such as negotiation, innovation, safety, organizational culture, and virtual teams.

I collaborate with a diverse range of coauthors, including students, academics, and professionals from applied settings (industry or government). To conduct my research, I employ a variety of methodologies, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches. I use data collection tools that range from surveys and experiments to experiential sampling methodologies.

As a researcher trained in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, I strive to bridge the gap between science and practice. This divide can often hinder the dissemination of crucial research findings to the employees and leaders who can benefit the most. I address practical research questions and actively engage with the media to ensure the broad dissemination of my research findings. Additionally, I aim to share the key findings of each study with the participants who contributed to the research.

Below, you will find a list of my published works, along with links to the full publications. Please visit the Media page to explore examples of how I have worked to disseminate the findings of my articles and books.


If you or your organization are interested in participating in any of my future research, please reach out to me via the Contact Me button below.

Peer Reviewed Research Publications and Book Contributions

Title (Click to View)
Publication Outlet
Journal of Vocational Behavior
Wan, M., Carlson, D. S., Perry, S. J., Thompson, M. J., Zhang, Y., & Kacmar, K. M.
New Technology, Work, and Employment
Carlson, D. S., Perry, S. J., Kacmar, K. M., Wan, M., & Thompson, M. J.
Journal of Business and Psychology
Perry, S. J., Hunter, E. M., Corrington, A., Hebl, K. M.
Applied Psychology: An International Review
Wan, M., Carlson, D. S., Kacmar, K. M., Perry, S. J., & Thompson, M. J.
Journal of Vocational Behavior
David, E. M., Johnson, L. U., & Perry, S. J.
Applied Psychology: An International Review
Milam, A. C., Rubino, C., Perry, S. J., Toribio, R. A., & Johnson, L. U.
Journal of Business and Psychology
Perry, S. J., Carlson, D. S., Kacmar, K. M., Wan, M., & Thompson, M. J.
Journal of Management
Perry, S. J., Lorinkova, N. M., & Madanoglu, M.
Military Psychology
Perry, S. J., Johnson, L. U., Witt, L. A., & McDonald, D.
Industrial Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice
Perry, S. J.
The Cambridge Handbook of the Changing Nature of Work
Perry, S. J., David, E. M., & Johnson, L. U.
Research in Human Resource Management
Perry, S. J., Griffeth, R. W., Hall, K. E., & Been, J.
Journal of Organizational Behavior
Lorinkova, N., & Perry, S. J.
Journal of Business Ethics
Quade, M. J., Perry, S. J., & Hunter, E. M.
Journal of Vocational Behavior
Morgan, W. B., Perry, S. J., & Wang, Y-C.
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
Perry, S. J., Rubino, C., & Hunter, E. M.
Health Services Research
Perry, S. J., Richter, J. P., & Beauvais, B.
Journal of Management
Lorinkova, N., & Perry, S. J.
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2nd edition
Perry, S. J.
Engineering Management Journal
Perry, S. J., Hunter, E. M., Currall, S. C., & Frauenheim, E.
Journal of Management
Perry, S. J., Lorinkova, N., Hunter, E. M., Hubbard, A., & McMahon, T.
Research Policy
Perry, S. J., Hunter, E. M., & Currall, S. C.
Advancing a Jobs-Driven Economy: Higher Education and Business Partnerships Lead the Way
Currall, S. C., Frauenheim, E., Perry, S. J., & Hunter, E. M.
Human Relations
Wilson, R., Perry, S. J., Witt, L. A., & Griffeth, R. W.
Journal of Learning in Higher Education
Sabat, I., Morgan, W. B., Perry, S. J., & Wang, Y-C.
Oxford University Press
Currall, S. C., Frauenheim, E., Perry, S. J., & Hunter, E. M.
Human Relations
Campbell, N., Perry, S. J., Maertz, C., Allen, D., & Griffeth, R. W.
Journal of Psychological Issues in Organizational Culture
Perry, S. J., Witt, L. A., Callison, K., & Malka, A.
Leadership Quarterly
Hunter, E. M., Neubert, M., Perry, S. J., Witt, L. A., Penney, L. M., & Weinberger, E.
Applied Psychology: An International Review
Volpone, S. D., Perry, S. J., & Rubino, C.
American Journal of Business
Treadway, D., Witt, L. A., Stoner, J., Perry, S. J., & Shaughnessy, B. A.
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Rubino, C., Perry, S. J., Milam, A. C., Spitzmüller, C., & Zapf, D.
Journal of Applied Psychology
Ehrhart, K. H., Witt, L. A., Schneider, B., & Perry, S. J.
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Penney, L. M., Hunter, E. M., & Perry, S. J.
Stress and Health
Perry, S. J., Rubino, C., & Witt, L. A.
Research Policy
Hunter, E. M., Perry, S. J., & Currall, S. C.
Journal of Applied Psychology
Perry, S. J., Witt, L. A., Penney, L. M., & Atwater, L.
Journal of Vocational Behavior
Hunter, E. M., Perry, S. J., Carlson, D. C., & Smith, S.
Personality and Individual Differences
Perry, S. J., Dubin, D. F., & Witt, L. A.
Human Performance
Perry, S. J., Hunter, E. M., Witt, L. A., & Harris, K. J.
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Rubino, C., Luksyte, A., Perry, S. J., & Volpone, S. D.
The Creative Enterprise
Perry, S. J., Currall, S. C., & Stuart, T. E.

© 2023 by Sara Jansen Perry, Ph.D.

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